An Interview with Cheree Sauer of Heartfelt Mamas

an interview with cheree sauer of heartfelt mamas

When I first met Cheree Sauer of Heartfelt Mamas, I was at a Gather and Grow event (hosted by the wonderful community-building Sarah from Gather and Savor!). Cheree was presenting at the event, and she talked about a 'balanced' life from the perspective of rest vs. stress.

I've tried a lot of things in my life - meditation, yoga, massage - in order to find balance in my life, as I'm sure many of you have as well! But when Cheree presented balance in terms of rest vs. stress, it all clicked for me. How many of us get over-stressed by our busy lives? How many of us never feel like we're truly rested?

If you feel that way and you're a Mom, you won't want to miss this interview with Cheree. We talk about Heartfelt Mamas (gift boxes for moms!) and her new program, The Balanced and Abundant Mamapreneur - you won't want to miss it!

cheree sauer of heartfelt mamas

Cheree Sauer of Heartfelt Mamas and The Balanced and Abundant Mamapreneur

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Everyday Spokane: Please tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is Cheree Sauer. My husband Matt and I have 2 boys, ages 7 and 5 and a dog named Otis. We have both lived in Spokane our entire lives, and we love raising our family here. I have always been passionate about helping people.

My background is Athletic Training, where I helped athletes overcome their injuries and fears so they could play to their full potential. The sports life was not conducive to the quality time I wanted with my kids, so I quit my job to become a stay at home mom. I quickly realized that being a stay at home mom was not for me, and I started Heartfelt Mamas where I curate local products and services into self care gift boxes for moms in all stages of motherhood. 

What sparked your interest in starting Heartfelt Mamas and your program, The Balanced and Abundant Mamapreneur?

I started Heartfelt Mamas because I enjoy working, but I wanted something with a flexible schedule that allowed me the freedom to be more present for my kids. The gift boxes came about because I became very passionate about encouraging self care in moms so they can become the best versions of themselves for their families. Self care changed my entire motherhood journey for the better and I wanted to be able to share that with others.

I love putting together the gift boxes, but in the last 6 months I started feeling called to find a way to help moms truly transform their lives. For that reason I decided to start a coaching program called The Balanced and Abundant Mamaprenuer. 

Cheree Sauer and her adorable family!

Cheree Sauer and her adorable family!

Why do you focus specifically on 'mompreneurs' - and what is a mamapreneur, in your words?

There is so much buzz out there saying that balance is a unicorn. I 100% disagree because I have been able to find it in my own life and business and I have a duplicatable system that can work for anyone. I decided to focus on momprenuers for a few reasons. First, I love talking about all things business from areas of struggle to future dreams and business strategies. Second, I have seen that when moms pursue their passions outside of motherhood, whether business or hobby, it gives them a sense of empowerment and purpose that helps them become even better moms.

I have experienced this myself, but I also know the struggles that come with trying to keep up with both. It is easy to become so focused on growing a profitable business that self care and relationships can take a back seat. Being a momprenuer requires a lot of intention and needs to become a well oiled machine to be successful in both business and life. 


Momprenuers are those who want a way to follow their passions and bring in an income that allows them the freedom to have a flexible schedule.  She is CEO, marketer, social media specialist, house cleaner, mom, wife, chef, etc. Often times, she feels guilty, stressed, exhausted and pulled in a million directions trying to grow a profitable business while still being present with her family. 

Tell us a little bit about what mompreneurs can expect from your program - what will they get from it?

Momprenuers will come out of my 8 week coaching program with clarity, focus, and sustainable self care practices that will help them thrive in their business, marriage, motherhood, faith and business. They will learn a flexible system that allows them to work from a place of rest rather than stress so they can feel balanced, abundant and present for their families.  I found that rigid systems don’t work well because life and motherhood can be very unpredictable.

To learn more you can schedule a FREE 60 minute clarity coaching call with Cheree here.

heartfelt mamas gift box

Heartfelt Mamas gift box

What is one way you stay balanced in your busy life?

I think about balance in terms of stress and rest rather than work-life balance. When I work from a place of rest I am a much better person for my family. I have been a workaholic and high achiever my entire life, so when I start to get stressed I know my priorities are out of alignment. The whole reason I started my business was to be more present for my family.

What is one thing you love about Spokane?

How do I only choose one thing? I love it all! I think what I love the most are all of the community events, from city-wide events, down to mom specific events. 

What is something that makes you or your business unique?

The thing that makes my coaching program unique is that it stems from a foundation of Christian faith. My faith and trust in God are what brought me out of a dark place in my motherhood journey, helped me find balance and peace in my life, and inspired me to start Heartfelt Mamas and my new coaching program. It is integral in what I teach and how I teach it.

Cheree Sauer of Heartfelt Mamas and The Balanced and Abundant Mamapreneur

Learn more about Cheree and Heartfelt Mamas along with The Balanced and Abundant Mamapreneur at the links below, including her Instagram and Facebook accounts, and her website.

Thank you so much to Cheree Sauer for sharing her story, telling us more about Heartfelt Mamas and her new program, The Balanced and Abundant Mamapreneur! Every time I talk to Cheree, she has such a way of making you feel calm and in control of your life. I really did find more time for family and my business after listening to her speak - time I never thought I would find.

If you're interested in learning more about Heartfelt Mamas and the gift boxes for mamas, please head over to Heartfelt Mamas here. If you're interested in coaching through The Balanced and Abundant Mamapreneur, click here.

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